SEO Proverbs

from China
Unlocking the Power of Ancient Chinese Wisdom: New Insights for SEO with Google, Bing, and Baidu

Traditional Chinese Proverbs - and what they teach us about SEO

Welcome to our weekly series of newly interpreted ancient Chinese proverbs from Confucius, Sun Tzu, or Laozi, with a focus on applying their wisdom to the world of Chinese SEO for Google, Bing, and Baidu. Each week, we'll explore the rich and insightful sayings of the past and unlock their secrets to success in today's digital landscape. Whether you're looking to improve your website's visibility or elevate your online presence, these proverbs offer a unique perspective that can help you achieve your goals. So, sit back, relax, and join us as we delve into the world of Chinese proverbs and SEO.


mù yǒu zhīyè, rú shì wú yǎliàng.

The wood has branches and leaves, like a soldier without grace.

Ancient Chinese Philosopher AI-Tzu

This Chinese proverb suggests that just as a tree without branches and leaves lacks beauty and grace, a soldier without character and abilities is not respectable. In the context of SEO, it implies that a website without quality content, good user experience and authority backlinks can be flawed and unimpressive, even if it has a strong technical foundation.

For modern SEO professionals, this proverb signifies the importance of creating quality content that prioritizes user experience and provides value to website visitors. To be successful in SEO, a website needs to have a variety of interrelated factors working cohesively, from technical optimization to content to backlinks. Neglecting any one of these crucial aspects could result in diminished SEO performance. In other words, the modern SEO professional must ensure that the website has all the 'branches and leaves' necessary to create a meaningful and impactful presence, and leave a lasting impression on the web visitors.

Experience more Chinese Wisdom in Online Marketing:


A Promise from Kun Tang, Founder and CEO of Jademond / Jadegital

Kun Tang, Founder and CEO

The Chinese Culture holds great wisdom in form of quotes from wise men like Laotzi, Suntzu an Confucius but also from many today unknown people. Often (not always) transfering the essence of these sayings makes great sense even to modern technologies and marketing techniques such as SEO for China.


But I promise that our SEO experts are also up-to-date when it comes to modern techniques and SEO strategies. Want to test us? Get in touch!