Kuaishou Marketing

for China
Is your current Kuaishou marketing strategy failing to bring the desired results?

Kuaishou Social Short Videos Platform

Kuaishou stands out amongst all other short video platforms! It allows brands to set up branded accounts and update their content, providing them with specifically targeted advertising services. Best of all, it amplifies the voices of ordinary people and their lives - something no other platform can achieve.

Zilan Yin
Social Media Manager
Zilan is a Social Media Specialist in Jademond responsible for social media marketing. Zilan is very good at copywriting and…
Zijing Zeng
Beauty, Maternal Care and Kids Content Producer
The youngest lady in the office and talented copywriter with impressive logical skills. She has a cheerful personality and is…
Jiaheng Li
Social Media Specialist
A thinker in Social Marketing team and producer of creative content. She loves producing videos and writing content. Her WeChat…
Agam Deng
Social Media Specialist
Agam is a copywriter for social platforms and Baidu encyclopedia entries, etc. He likes all kinds of ball games (soccer,…
  • 32%
    Increase in online transactions
  • 56%
    Revenue increase
  • 148%
    Increase in organic traffic
  • 46%
    Increase in mobile traffic

Are you looking for a reliable Kuaishou Marketing Strategy to target young people in China?

  • Enter Kuaishou ...

    .. the #2 short-video platform in China. Our audience is young people from tiers 3 & 4 cities and rural areas, who are clamoring to hear your voice through this unique platform. Unlike other platforms, Kuaishou amplifies the voices of ordinary people and their lives – a fresh voice that brands simply can’t ignore!

  • Which is the winning strategy to follow?

    We know you’re busy creating content to keep your customers entertained. Let us take care of everything else while you focus on what matters most - let us analyze your current Kuaishou marketing strategy and help build a winning one so you stand out from the crowd!

  • Let's start to Kuaishou!

    With our services, you can be confident that all of your content will be perfectly tailored for user interests and demographics within Kuaishou. All of this consulting advice comes in a fun package too — each session features entertaining and witty insights into kuashou marketing trends!

A Promise from Kun Tang, Founder and CEO of Jademond / Jadegital

Kun Tang, Founder and CEO

If you're looking to get an edge in today's competitive market, Kuaishou is the way! Its unique focus on amplifying voices of average users from third and fourth tier cities, as well as rural areas makes it a great choice for driving maximum engagement with your brand.


Take the first step towards unlocking new opportunities and contact us now for a free consultation about optimizing your Kuaishuo marketing campaigns!