XiaoHongShu / LRB Marketing

for China
Are you a business looking to capitalize on the immense opportunities offered by Little Red Book?

Looking for the best way to reach out to millions of potential customers?

Little Red Book is quickly becoming one of the most popular social media channels in China, with 100 million active users every month–most of them young women with strong buying power. It's an untapped goldmine for businesses who are ready to take their marketing efforts overseas and beyond!

Zilan Yin
Social Media Manager
Zilan is a Social Media Specialist in Jademond responsible for social media marketing. Zilan is very good at copywriting and…
Zijing Zeng
Beauty, Maternal Care and Kids Content Producer
The youngest lady in the office and talented copywriter with impressive logical skills. She has a cheerful personality and is…
Jiaheng Li
Social Media Specialist
A thinker in Social Marketing team and producer of creative content. She loves producing videos and writing content. Her WeChat…
Agam Deng
Social Media Specialist
Agam is a copywriter for social platforms and Baidu encyclopedia entries, etc. He likes all kinds of ball games (soccer,…
  • 32%
    Increase in online transactions
  • 56%
    Revenue increase
  • 148%
    Increase in organic traffic
  • 46%
    Increase in mobile traffic

Are you a business looking to capitalize on the immense opportunities offered by Little Red Book?

  • Little Red Book, or Xiaohongshu (RED) ...

    ... is a social media channel that connects users and brands. It has over 100 million active monthly users. With 85% of them being women and 46% under 24 years old, there are strong buying opportunities here! On top of that, they come from first-tier and second-tier cities - making it great for overseas brands looking to make an impact in China.

  • Don't miss this great opportunity

    You could be reaching MILLIONS by not just leveraging off the current user base but also bringing in new customers too! Not only will you reach today's existing customer base but with careful targeting and creative content strategies we can tap into tomorrow's market too. So don't wait another second - go RED now!

  • We’re here to help your brand ...

    ... reap all the rewards that RED can bring. Our bespoke analysis will provide you with actionable strategies tailor-made to meet your specific business needs–so don’t wait another second to jump on this incredible opportunity!

A Promise from Kun Tang, Founder and CEO of Jademond / Jadegital

Kun Tang, Founder and CEO

Get ahead of your competition with our unique analysis tailored specifically for your business needs! Our team will provide all the help you need to understand this market – so don’t miss out on a huge opportunity by not ‘going RED’!


Let us guide you through the incredible potential of Xiaohongshu / Little Red Book today – contact us now and get started right away!